
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/20 20:10:37
一、 关税优惠政策:
1. 区内生产性的基础设施建设项目所需的机器、设备和其它基建物资,予以免税;
2. 区内企业自用的生产、管理设备和自用合理数量的办公用品及其所需的维修零配件,生产用燃料,建设生产厂房、仓储设施所需的物资、设备,予以免税;
3. 保税区行政管理机构自用合理数量的管理设备和办公用品及其所需的维修零配件,予以免税;
4. 区内企业为加工出口产品所需的原材料、零部件、元器件、包装对象,予以保税。
5. 转口货物和在保税区储存的货物按照保税货物管理。
二、 进出口管理政策
1. 经批准成立的保税区内企业,都具有在保税区内开展国际贸易经营权。可以自由地与国外和国内有进出口经营权的企业开展国际贸易和转口贸易。
2. 对保税区与境外之间进出的货物,除实行出口被动配额管理的外,不实行进出口配额、许可证管理。
3. 国内非保税区进入保税区的货物,在办结海关手续后,视同出口。企业可办理除出口退税之外的结汇、外汇核销、加工贸易核销等手续。
三、 功能性政策
1. 保税区内可以设立外商独资、中外合资或内资企业的贸易公司。享有与境外直接开展国际贸易和与国内有进出口经营权企业开展贸易的经营权。同时,也可在保税区内开展仓储、展示、商业性简单加工等经营活动。
2. 区内加工企业开展加工贸易、生产除国家禁止进出口和需被动配额及特别敏感和有污染环境、危害国家安全或者损害社会公共利益的产品外,原则上受加工品种和范围以及产品和产业导向的限制。
3. 保税区内开展加工贸易,实施全额保税的办法,可以不按内外销比例征税,不实行银行保证金台帐制度,不收保证金,加工时间不受限制。
4. 鼓励区内企业开展以出口为导向的加工贸易。同时也允许区内企业加工成品后销往国内市场。
5. 允许加工企业开展工序性的外发加工。
6. 区内保税仓库可以储存除国家禁止进出口外的所有产品。
7. 区内转口货物可以在区内仓库及其它场所进行分级、挑选、刷贴标志、改换包装形式等简单加工。

First, tariff preference policy:
1. In the area the production infrastructure items of basic construction need the machine, the equipment and other capital construction commodities, give tax-free;
2. In the area the enterprise uses for oneself the production, manages the equipment and uses for oneself the service spare parts which the reasonable quantity office supplies and its needs, the production uses the fuel, the construction to produce the workshop, to store in a storehouse the commodity, the equipment which the facility needs, gives tax-free;
3. The bonded area administrative-managerial apparatus uses for oneself the service spare parts which the reasonable quantity management equipment and the office supplies and its needs, gives tax-free;
4. In the area the enterprise for processes the raw material, the spare part, the primary device, the packing object which the export product needs, gives bonded.
5. Through cargo and in bonded area storage cargo according to bonded goods management.
Second, import and export regulatory policy
1. By the authorized be established bonded area in the enterprise, all has in the bonded area develops the international trade right of management. May freely with overseas and domestic has the import and export right of management the enterprise to develop the international trade and the transit trade.
2. To the bonded area the cargo which between passes in and out with beyond the border, besides implements the export passive quota management, does not implement the import and export quota, the permit management.
3. The domestic non- bonded area enters the bonded area the cargo, after settles the custom procedures, regards with the exportation. The enterprise may handle except the exportation tax reimbursement outside the settlement of exchange, the foreign exchange cancels after verification, the processing trade cancels after verification and so on the procedure.
Third, 功能性 policy
1. In the bonded area may set up the foreign sole ownership, Chinese-foreign joint venture or the domestic capital enterprise's trading company. Enjoys and with domestic has the import and export right of management enterprise with the beyond the border direct development international trade to develop the trade the right of management. At the same time, also may develop in the bonded area stores in a storehouse, management and so on demonstration, commercial character simple processing.
2. In the area processes the enterprise to develop the processing trade, the production and needs the passive quota except the national prohibition import and export and is specially sensitive and has the pollution environment, the harm national security or outside the harm society public interest product, in principle receives processes the variety and the scope as well as the product and the industrial guidance limit.
3. In the bonded area develops the processing trade, implements the sum total bonded means, may according to in for sale abroad proportion taxation, not practice the bank guarantee chint'ai account system, does not receive the earnest money, the process period is not limited.
4. In the encouragement area the enterprise develops take exports as the guidance processing trade. After at the same time also allows in the area the enterprise to process the end product to sell to the domestic market.
5. The permission processing enterprise develops working procedure outside to send the processing.
6. In the area the bonded warehouse may store up besides the national prohibition import and export all products.
7. The area internal circulation mouth cargo may the warehouse and other places carries on the graduation, the choice in the area, brushes pastes the symbol, changes the packing form and so on the simple processing.

“Third, 功能性 policy ”
