
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/05/01 05:17:13
1 文化差异在具体交际中的某些表现
2 语用的得体性
3 语言是在一定文化背景中使用的,语言的使用受到文化的制约,同时,不同的语言反映了不同的文化差异,在各个民族中均可找到反映本民族独特文化的词汇。掌握好这些词汇,不仅能了解到英语文化习俗,更好地使用该语言,而且有助于理解本民族文化。

1 The cultural difference is in concrete social intercourse of some performance
2 The in proper form that language use
3 The language uses in certain cultural background, the check and supervision that the usage of the language is subjected to the culture, at the same time, the different language reflected the different cultural difference, all can find out the reflection in each race this race special culture of phrase remit.Control good these phrases remit, not only canning understand English cultural custom, using that language betterly, but also contributing to comprehend this race culture.