
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/20 14:14:05
[摘要] 针对双河油田储层具有沉积旋回复杂,韵律多变,厚油层发育,层内夹层多,岩性复杂,物性变化大,非均质性十分严重的特点,并且储层的膨胀性粘土矿物是造成储层损害的潜在因素,室内研制出了一种新型多糖钻井液体系。该体系通过添加一种低渗透的钻井液处理剂以及多种增粘剂和降失水剂而复配成几种不同配方,从中优选出一种配方作进一步的性能评价实验。实验表明,它具有较好的热稳定性(抗温130℃)、流变性、润滑性(润滑系数为0.15~0.16)、抗盐性(25%)、抗钙性(2.4%)、抑制性(钻屑回收率为91.2%)、触变性、储层保护性(对不同孔隙的岩心和裂缝具有良好的封堵能力,抗压强度较高,能有效地保护储层)等特点,很好地解决了上述双河油田储层存在的问题。
[关键词] 无渗透 处理剂 配方 抗温性 抗盐性 抗钙性 抑制性 润滑性 触变性 储层保护

[ Abstract ] has the depositional cycle in view of the double river oil field reservoir complex, rhythm changeable, thick oil layer growth, in level band many, the lithological character is complex, the nature changes in a big way, anisotropic extremely serious characteristic, and the reservoir swelling clay mineral was creates the reservoir harm the latency, in the room develops one kind of new polysaccharide well drilling fluid system. This system through increases one kind of low seepage to drill the processing medicinal preparation as well as many kinds of and duplicate falls the dehydration medicinal preparation but to match several different formulas, the optimal one formula does the further performance evaluation experiment. The experiment indicated that, it has a better thermally stable anti- warm 130℃ , the rheological property, the lubricating ability (lubrication coefficient 0.15 --0.16), anti- (25%), the anti- calcium (2.4%), the suppression ( returns-ratio is 91.2%), thixotropic, the reservoir protection (has good to different hole core sample and crack seals off ability, compressive strength is higher, can effectively protect reservoir) and so on the characteristic, has solved the above double river oil field reservoir existence problem well .