中国的四大右派:有没有好的英语课本短剧? 急~~~~~

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/06/13 13:09:00

Once upon a time a mother duck sat on her nest waiting for her eggs to hatch.
Suddenly, seven ducklings popped out of their eggs and began to chirp. As they
looked around, everyone started to stare at one special duckling.
"That one is grey and bigger than the rest of us!" cried one duckling. "He is
uglier than the rest of us," said another duckling.

The grey duckling often watched the other ducklings play happily in the pond,
but nobody wanted to play with him. The farm animals were very mean to him and
everyone knew him as the ugly duckling. He would often cry during the night as
mother duck whispered, "You are a very special duck, and I love you."

One day the ugly duckling decided to run away from the farm. He found a pond
with many wild ducks. "Welcome to our home at the pond. Please be careful
because this is a dangerous pond," said one of the wild ducks.

The ugly duckling decided to stay with the nice ducks all summer. One day he
looked up in the sky and saw two beautiful white birds with large wings and
long necks fly over the pond - they were swans. He wished that he could be as
beautiful as a swan.

Pow! Pow! One autumn day, lots of men and dogs arrived at the pond and they
were shooting at the wild ducks. The wild ducks all flew away and the ugly
duckling was left behind. Winter was about to begin and the ugly duckling
wondered how he would survive the long, cold winter. A man who was walking in
the woods saw the ugly duckling. "I'll take this bird home so my family can
take care of him during the cold winter months," said the man. So the ugly
duckling lived with the man all winter.

When it was spring, the man and his family released the ugly duckling back
into the forest. The ugly duckling went to the pond and as he looked at his
reflection, he realized that he was a beautiful white bird - just like the
ones he had seen in the summer. He looked up and saw four swans flying in
the sky. He flew up to join them in the sky. "Welcome to our family," said one
of the swans.

The ugly duckling was not ugly anymore. He was a beautiful and happy swan.

不知道你现在是学生还是工作了,我觉得想联系口语很简单,随便买本带磁带的口语书(最好是美式发音的)听起来比较舒服!首先,你最好从新认真的把自己的没个发音都纠正下,然后多听磁带,不停模仿跟着读,达到要熟读、然后熟背!达到拖口而出!你就用这个方法去背完10篇文章你再看看你的口语吧... 上面的是基础,然后就是你的阅读量和想象能力了,把平时我们身边发生的事都用英语的思维想象,想象该怎么用英语说出来,先不要考虑语法!最后也是最重要的,就是敢说!!学英语得不要怕,得感喊出来...有机会就去找人展示下自己吧!!用不了两三个月你的口语能力就会提升一大快的!!