
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/06/03 12:46:58

Shipping Instruction submitter (who should Maersk Sealand contact in case of inqueries to this document) 提单样本发送人(即联系人)
Shipper (Maximum 5 lines)*: 发货人 (最多5行)

Consignee (Maximum 5 lines)*: 收货人 (最多5行)

Notify party 1 (Maximum 5 lines): 第一通知人 (最多5行)

Service Contract number: 协约号
Onward inland routing (Not part of precarriage for account and risk of merchant) 内陆运输路经 (不属于前程运输且由客户自行承担风险)

Vessel: 船名 Voyage Number: 航次

Port of loading*: 装货港 Port of discharge*: 卸货港

Particulars as furnished by shipper – Carrier not responsible 由发货人提供, 承运人不承担责任
Total equipment count 集装箱总计 20’ 40’
Container number*: 箱号 Seal Number:封号 Other Seal Number: 其它封号 Container size/type*:集装箱尺寸/类型 No. of packages*:件数

Freight component:运费结构 Prepaid or Collect Payment (Please indicate by P or C)*预付或到付(请用 P 或 C 标明)
Ocean Freight海洋运费
Origin Charges 起始港费用
Destination charges 目的港费用
Specific for shipments to and from USA and Canada (适用于去美国/加拿大的货物)
SED/AES Number (Only for exports from USA)*: SCAC Code (Only for automated NVOCCs exporting to USA or Canada)*

Documentation printing instructions 提单打印指令
Number of original and copy Bills of Lading required提单正本和复印件数量 Shipped on board Bill of Lading

Comments 备注

