
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/06/05 18:57:34
愚人节那天,我买了一瓶可乐,喝掉一半后,掺入醋、酱油、盐、芥茉等佐料,精心调制一份色泽正常的怪味可乐。 遇到好朋友就装作正在喝,然后大方地把“可乐”递上去,说给她喝,她毫无戒备,一边道谢一边大口喝下去,紧 接着皱眉头、张口便吐。

On the April Fool's day, I bought a bottle of coke.After drinking half of it,I mixed it with vinegar,soy,salt,mustard etc,and carefully concocted a kind of normal-looking coke with an odd flavor.When I saw my good friend,I pretended drinking ,then I handed the "coke" to her liberally and advised her to drink it.She pulled at it with no caution,and thanked me at the same time.The result was that after a short while,she began to frown and throw up.

April Fool's day, I bought a bottle of cola, soda half, the introduction vinegar, soy sauce, salt, and other ingredients Gaimo, carefully prepared a color normal Guaiwei cola. To pretend they are friends drink and then generous to the "cola" to him, said to her drinking, she was alert on the side of drinking to express thanks, then tight scowl, appetite will vomit.