
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/06/06 07:48:55

1. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is concerned with the escapades of a young boy living in a Mississippi River town during a summer in the 1840s.
Tom lives with his Aunt Polly, his dead mother's sister, along with his half-brother, Sid, and his cousin, Mary. By the second chapter, Tom's mischevous character is revealed with the well-known fence whitewashing scene. Tom meets the new girl in town, Becky Thatcher, and falls in love with her. He begins an intense flirtation with her at school, which leads to his asking her to be "engaged" with him by lunchtime of her first day.

Tom's vagabond friend Huck Finn, the town drunk's son, asks Tom to meet him at the cemetery at midnight, to test the wart-curing properties of his dead cat. While there, the boys stumble upon the murder of Dr. Robinson by Injun Joe during a graverobbing attempt. Muff Potter, also part of the gang, is pinned with the crime by Injun Joe. Tom and Huck, however, are the only ones who know the truth.

Tom, Huck, and another friend, Joe Harper, decide to run away from St. Petersburg to Jackson's Island, in the middle of the Mississippi. There they live the life of pirates, frolicking day and night. After several days, the town prepares funeral services for the boys, by this time being convinced of their death. The boys dramatically return to town in the middle of the Sunday church services, and they are forgiven for their mischief.

As the murder trial of Muff Potter gets underway, Tom is racked by guilt over allowing a man he knows to be innocent to be convicted. On the final day of the trial, Tom is called as a surprise witness, and he proceeds to finger Injun Joe with the crime, who springs out of the window and escapes. Tom and Huck stumble upon Joe and a stranger at a deserted house on the outskirts of town, and learn of a stash of gold Joe is carrying.

Becky Thatcher invites many of the town's children to a picnic. Tom and Becky go wandering in a nearby cave, and get lost. Also in the cave is Injun Joe, hiding out. Just as Tom and Becky lose all hope of finding an exit, Tom finds an opening to safety. Huck and Tom return to the cave, find Joe's treasure, which was hidden in the cave, and become heroes in the town

2. Summary
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about the adventures faced by Huck and Jim, a runaway slave, as they travel down the Mississippi River on a raft. The book opens shortly after the final scenes of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The opening chapters recapture the playful, lighthearted spirit of Tom Sawyer, with Tom, Huck, Joe Harper, and other boys forming a gang of robbers.
The narrative takes a darker tone with the return of Pap Finn, Huck's drunken father. A judge rejects Judge Thatcher and the Widow Douglas' attempt to be appointed Huck's legal guardian, and Pap goes on a drinking binge to celebrate. Now Huck's entire fortune will be in his hands. Pap removes Huck to a deserted cabin three miles up-river, to keep a close eye on him. Huck fakes his own death, and escapes in a canoe to Jackson's Island.

On his third day on the island, Huck stumbles upon Jim, whom he knows from Hannibal. It turns out that Jim has run away from his master, to seek his freedom. After several weeks, Huck gets word that the island is about to be searched for Jim. The two pack up some things, and head down the river on a raft. Their plan is to head for Cairo, Illinois, where they will take a steamboat up the Ohio River to the free states.

Shortly afterward, they discover that they have passed the small town of Cairo in the fog, so the two continue their journey downriver. After numerous experiences, they come upon two swindlers, known as the King and Duke. The King and the Duke stage a "Shakesperean Revival" in some of the towns the four come upon, and they take in over $400. The King and the Duke decide to impersonate the brothers of the deceased Peter Wilks in order to reap his inheritance; this escapade eventually backfires.

The four travellers take to their raft and continue the journey down the Mississippi. At this point, Huck grapples with his guilt over helping a slave escape from his master. He begins to write a letter to Miss Watson, Jim's owner, but tears it up after recalling how Jim has become his good friend. He decides to make sure that Jim achieves his freedom. Little does he know that the King has sold Jim for $40 behind Huck's back.

Huck discovers that Jim has been sold to a family named Phelps, and goes to their farm, where he is mistaken for their relative Tom. It turns out that Tom is Huck's friend Tom Sawyer. On the road to the Phelps', Huck meets Tom and explains that he wants to help Jim get his freedom. Tom agrees to take part in this plan. At the Phelps', Tom introduces himself as Sid Sawyer, his half-brother.

Jim is being imprisoned in a cabin on the farm. Tom and Huck dig their way into the cabin, and smuggle in food and other things. At the right moment, the three escape from the farm and head to the raft. Tom is hit by a bullet during the escape, and a doctor is found to treat him. The next day, Huck returns to the Phelps, and Tom and Jim, with his hands tied behind his back, are soon also brought to the farm.

It comes out at the end that Jim has been a free man for two months already, when his owner, Miss Watson, died and freed him in her will. Tom knew about his freedom, but went through the entire scheme for the "adventure of it." It also comes out that Pap Finn has been murdered. At the end of the book, Huck doesn't want to be adopted by Tom's Aunt Sally, and decides to "light out for the Territories ahead of the rest." Twain's intended irony is that these Territories, soon after the events of the book, were the scene of great bloodshed over the issue of whether or not to outlaw slavery in their society.

The Prince and the Pauper tells of the real-life events of 1547 England, when King Henry VIII died and his son, Edward VI, took over the throne. Added to this historical fact is the fantastic story that shortly before the death of the king, Edward inadvertantly switches places with Tom Canty, a pauper. The eye-opening experiences of both boys in their new roles comprise the bulk of the book.
Edward is tormented by John Canty, Tom's father, a drunken thief. In his first night at Tom's home, he is beaten for claiming to be the Prince of Wales, a claim that he continually makes throughout the book, regardless of the inappropriateness of the situation. Edward eventually escapes from Tom's home and meets Miles Hendon, a swashbuckling nobleman returning to England after being away for 10 years as a soldier and prisoner. Hendon decides to protect Edward, feeling sorry for a boy who must be sick, considering his incessant claims to the English throne.

Tom is also thought to be not in his right mind, and is tutored by the Earl of Hertford, the lord-protector to the young king. Tom masters the role of prince expertly, and makes merciful decisions over his subjects. On his coronation day, however, he sees his real mother in the crowd and is overtaken with guilt over the wrongful nature of his role.

The book climaxes at the coronation ceremony, when Edward appears just in the nick of time to reclaim his rightful place as king.

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