
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/06/01 09:55:53
要自己翻译的, 请用软件翻译的绕道而行!

1 , 关于 样品图片的小册子是必须要有的, 如果可以的话,可以准备些小礼物,
不要只在礼物当中放公司的名片,那样名片很容易丢失, 最好找那种可以印刷上你们
公司详细联系方式的礼物 ,还可以提供你们公司及产品的录像带, 但成本有些高噢!
2, 你的展览位置是不是已经确定下来了? 最好在出口, 入口, 洗手间, 休息室, 饮食区
3 ,参战人员必须开朗, 乐于跟陌生人交流
4, 参观者对展会的各因素记忆顺序: 展品吸引力: 39% 操作演示:25%
展台设计:14% 服务人员表现: 10% 名气: 4% 希望这些比例能对你有些帮助
5。 要详细记录每一个到访的客户, 他的要求, 情况, 甚至他的性格, 脾气都要纪录
万一以后有用呢! 不要太相信你的大脑!
6。 如果没有样品, 要向你的提供商多要图片,做好样品的分类, 编号和价格
7 。 每个样品都要有编号,然后输入所有编号的单价, 供应商, 和其他相关资料
方便查询, 不浪费客户的时间。
8。 如果客户要一个样品的单价, 要用彩色喷墨机打印出所有这个样品的颜色及相似产品,
还有你的公司的地址,详细联系方式, 价格条件, 单价数量 , 让客户一看就很清楚。
9。 如果可以的话, 还可以在珠宝方面的杂志上刊登你们的样品及资料, 寄给你的潜在客户
10。展览会结束之后, 给每一个来访过你的客户, 寄出感谢卡 , 只是让他们对你加深印象 。

1 The booklet is the must,preparing some some gifts,if possible.
Don't put the business card only with the gifts, the cards may be easily lost.It's best to offer the gift with your particular contact manners printed on, and offer the videotapes of your company and your products,however with a high cost.

2 Is your exhibiting position confirmed?the best positions are at the entrance ,the exit, washing room, retairing room, bite and sup section,where people flows.

3The personnel involved must be outgoing, willing to communicate with the strangers.

4The attraction of your exhibiting product to a visitor is based on first products attarction 39%,second the design of product platform 25%,thirdly the performance of your personnel 14%,then repute 10%,else 4%.Hoping the information above be useful.

5Put down every client's particular information,his demands,information,even his temper,character for future use. Don't trust your brain too much.

6There being no samples,ask your providers for pictures,the samples's catologues,serial number,and prices.

7Everysample should be with serial number,and input the price of the serial number,providers,and information else concerned for query,so as not to waste the time of the clients.

8If a client asks for the price of a sample, print out all the production ,all of the products of different colors and products similar with multicolor printers,with the address,particular contact mannersof your company,terms of price,unit price and quality.

9 if possible,publish the samples and their information magzines on Jewelry,and mail the magzines or print them to your potential client.

10 Send the card to show thanks to every client to deep your impression after the exhibiton.