洗洁精用表面活性剂:急----请问下谁有ASP查询系统的东西我出200 如数据库或者ASP建模

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/05/15 02:34:39
建立数据库等!!以及ASP 制作!!!


先给你:ASP图书馆查询系统 剩下的由此引申制作!!


<script language="vbscript">


Function datacheck

dim errflag

errflag = True



If (qrybk.bookno.value = Empty) And _

(qrybk.author.value = Empty) And _

(qrybk.pub_date.value = Empty) And _

(qrybk.bookname.value = Empty) Then



errflag = False

End if

If (errflag = False) then


MsgBox "请至少输入一项查询条件!", 64, "Oh no!"

Exit Function

End if

datacheck = errflag

'Submit(传送)表单资料至Web Server


End Function

Sub focusto(x)



End Sub



<script Language="VBScript" RunAt="Server">

Function adjust_sql(adj_str)


Dim final_str, i


adj_str = Trim(adj_str)

final_str = ""



If Len(adj_str) > 0 Then

For i = 1 To Len(adj_str)

Select Case Mid(adj_str, i, 1)

Case "[":

final_str = final_str & "[[]"

Case "|":

final_str = final_str & "[{-}]"

Case "'":

final_str = final_str & "[&-(]"

Case Else: '以上皆非则什麽事都不做

final_str = final_str & Mid(adj_str, i, 1)

End Select


End If

adjust_sql = final_str

End Function

Sub Parse_text(m_output)


Dim old_pos, tmp_Len, i, tot_Len


old_pos = 0

tmp_Len = 0 '记录逻辑上的长度

tot_Len = Len(Trim(m_output))


For i = 1 To tot_Len


If Len(Hex(Asc(Mid(m_output, i, 1)))) > 2 Then


tmp_Len = tmp_Len + 2



tmp_Len = tmp_Len + 1

End If


If tmp_Len >= 72 Then

Response.Write Mid(m_output, old_pos + 1, i - old_pos)

Response.Write "<br>"


old_pos = i

tmp_Len = 0

End If



If tmp_Len > 0 Then

Response.Write Mid(m_output, old_pos + 1, tot_Len - old_pos)

End If

End Sub






<body background="marble2c.jpg">



If Request("bookno") = Empty And _

Request("author") = Empty And _

Request("pub_date") = Empty And _

Request("bookname") = Empty Then



<font size="+3">~比艾思在线图书馆~</font>


<font size="4">请至少输入一项查询条件,谢谢!</font>


<form action="default.asp" method="post" name="qrybk">

<table border=0 align=center width=600>



<IMG height=14 src="redball.gif" width=14>书籍编号:<input name="bookno" size="7"><p>

<IMG height=14 src="redball.gif" width=14>作者姓名:

<select name="author">

<option value="" selected>-----</option>

<option value="许耀豪">许耀豪</option>

<option value="林宏谕">林宏谕</option>

<option value="黄燕忠">黄燕忠</option>

<option value="廖信彦">廖信彦</option>

<option value="林敏惠">林敏惠</option>

<option value="陈周造">陈周造</option>



<IMG height=14 src="redball.gif" width=14>出版年月:<input name="pub_date" size="6">(范例:200101)<p>

<IMG height=14 src="redball.gif" width=14>书名关键字:<input name="bookname" size="50"><p>


<input type="button" value="开始查询" onclick="datacheck" id=button1 name=button1>

<input type="reset" value="重新选择" id=reset1 name=reset1><p>







Dim bookno, author, pub_date, bookname


Dim cond_count, wc, SQLstr


cond_count = 4

'指定SQL指令中的通用字符,SQL Server 6.5里头用的符号是

'百分比(%),Access 97则是星号(*)

wc = "%"


bookno = Request.Form("bookno")

author = Request.Form("author")

pub_date = Request.Form("pub_date")

bookname = Request.Form("bookname")


bookno = adjust_sql(bookno)

author = adjust_sql(author)

pub_date = adjust_sql(pub_date)

bookname = adjust_sql(bookname)


If Len(bookno) = 0 Then cond_count = cond_count - 1

If Len(author) = 0 Then cond_count = cond_count - 1

If Len(pub_date) = 0 Then cond_count = cond_count - 1

If Len(bookname) = 0 Then cond_count = cond_count - 1


SQLstr = "select * from book where "

'请留意bookno两端添加的通用字符,SQL Server 6.5里头

'用的符号是百分比(%),Access 97则是星号(*)。

If Len(bookno) > 0 Then


SQLstr = SQLstr & " bookno like '" & wc & bookno & wc & "'"

If cond_count > 1 Then

SQLstr = SQLstr & " and "

cond_count = cond_count - 1

End If

End If

If Len(author) > 0 Then

SQLstr = SQLstr & " author like '" & wc & author & wc & "'"

If cond_count > 1 Then

SQLstr = SQLstr & " and "

cond_count = cond_count - 1

End If

End If

If Len(pub_date) > 0 Then

SQLstr = SQLstr & " pub_date like '" & wc & pub_date & wc & "'"

If cond_count > 1 Then

SQLstr = SQLstr & " and "

cond_count = cond_count - 1

End If

End If

If Len(bookname) > 0 Then

SQLstr = SQLstr & " bookname like '" & wc & bookname & wc & "'"

End If

SQLstr = SQLstr & " order by bookno"

'建立ADO Connection,然后以DSN-less之方式登入到SQL Server

set adocon=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'adocon.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=ALVINNT4;UID=sa;PWD=;database=pubs"

adocon.Open "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE= " & server.MapPath("book.mdb")


set sa1 = adocon.Execute(SQLstr)

If sa1.EOF Then

Response.Write "<br><center><h1>"

Response.Write "<hr>Sorry ~~~<p>"

Response.Write "没有任何符合条件的书籍资料,<br>"

Response.Write "请重试一次!</center><p>"

Response.Write "<hr></h1>"


i = 0

Response.Write "<center><h2>"

Response.Write "符合条件的书籍资料如下:"

Response.Write "</center></h2><hr>"

Response.Write "<table border=1 align=center width=600>"

While Not sa1.EOF

i = i + 1

Response.Write "<tr>"

Response.Write "<td>"

Response.Write "资料笔数:" & i & "<br>"

Response.Write "书籍编号: <a href='" & sa1("bookno") & ".htm' target='_blank'>" & sa1("bookno") & "</a><br>"

Response.Write "作 者:" & sa1("author") & "<br>"

Response.Write "书 名:" & sa1("bookname") & "<br>"

Response.Write "摘 要:<br>"

If Not IsNull(sa1("abstract")) Then Parse_text(sa1("abstract"))

Response.Write "</td>"

Response.Write "</tr>"




Response.Write "</table>"

Response.Write "<center><h2>符合条件的书籍资料共有:"

Response.Write i & "笔。<br>"

Response.Write "</h2></center>"

End If

End If %>






<script language="vbscript">


Function datacheck

dim errflag

errflag = True



If (qrybk.bookno.value = Empty) And _

(qrybk.author.value = Empty) And _

(qrybk.pub_date.value = Empty) And _

(qrybk.bookname.value = Empty) Then



errflag = False

End if

If (errflag = False) then


MsgBox "请至少输入一项查询条件!", 64, "Oh no!"

Exit Function

End if