
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/29 19:31:31
From e-mail to on-line shopping,you may think you have heard everything about the( )frontier. But with hundreds upon hundreds of web pages( )added weekly,there are plenty of surprises out there.
More than one million Americans used the World Wide Web to( )work last year.There are hundreds of free on-line job-listing( )that include every specialty.
To have a telephone conversation over the Internet,( )you need is one computer with speakers,a microphone,a sound card and( )software. Typically you'll pay a monthly( )to a service provider,but after that,the calls themselves ate local.Sound quality is equivalent to ( )of a cell phone.
Today 70percent of Americans homes have computers-a( )that is expected to climb to a higher percentage by 2006.And by the end of the next decade,Americans will ( )be spending more time shopping,banking,investing,and learning to the Internet than in the real world.
A electric Belectircity Celectronic Delectron
Abe B to be C being Dare
A perform Bsearch Ccollect Dfind
Aroutes Blocations C sites Dplaces
Aall Ball of Call when D all what
A any Bmore C much Dsome
A money Bfee Cnote Dcheque
A they Bthose C it Dthat
Aletter Bfigure Cnumber Dquantity
Alikely Blovely C lightly Dlively
found ( )skin cancer
Ain Bwith Coff Dby
( )for farms and fields
Aspace Brooms
( )the community
Atake up Bmake up Cset up Dlook up
A wild animal allows a man to approach only up to a given distance before it( )这句什么意思
Aruns away Bruns in Cruns away Druns back

Athe sun energy Bthe sun's energy Cthe energy of sun Denergy of the sun哪个对???

From e-mail to on-line shopping,you may think you have heard everything about the( electric)frontier. But with hundreds upon hundreds of web pages( being)added weekly,there are plenty of surprises out there.
More than one million Americans used the World Wide Web to( find)work last year.There are hundreds of free on-line job-listing( sites)that include every specialty.
To have a telephone conversation over the Internet,( all)you need is one computer with speakers,a microphone,a sound card and(some )software. Typically you'll pay a monthly(fee )to a service provider,but after that,the calls themselves ate local.Sound quality is equivalent to ( that)of a cell phone.
Today 70percent of Americans homes have computers-a( number)that is expected to climb to a higher percentage by 2006.And by the end of the next decade,Americans will ( likely)be spending more time shopping,banking,investing,and learning to the Internet than in the real world.

found (with )skin cancer
Ain Bwith Coff Dby
( rooms)for farms and fields
Aspace Brooms
(? )the community
A wild animal allows a man to approach only up to a given distance before it( runs away)这句什么意思 野生动物在人接近到一定距离之后就会逃跑
Aruns away Bruns in Cruns away Druns back

Athe sun energy Bthe sun's energy Cthe energy of sun Denergy of the sun哪个对???
所以答案是 b

From e-mail to on-line shopping,you may think you have heard everything about the( electric)frontier. But with hundreds upon hundreds of web pages( being)added weekly,there are plenty of surprises out there.
More than one million Americans used the World Wide Web to( find)work last year.There are hundreds of free on-line job-listing( sites)that include every specialty.
To have a telephone conversation over the Internet,( all)you need is one computer with speakers,a microphone,a sound card and(some )software. Typically you'll pay a monthly(fee )to a service provider,but after that,the calls themselves ate local.Sound quality is equivalent to ( that)of a cell phone.
Today 70percent of Americans homes have computers-a( number)that is expected to climb to a higher percentage by 2006.And by the end of the next decade,Americans will ( likely)be spending more time shopping,banking,investing,and learning to the Internet than in the real world.