
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/09/21 09:05:34

探戈《Por Una Cabeza》

帕尔曼—— 一位演奏过所有古典小提琴名曲,更为电影《辛德勒名单》演奏凄美主题音乐的小提琴家。约翰·威廉姆斯——一位得过五次奥斯卡最佳电影配乐大奖的作曲家。当代音乐界两大巨擘生平首度联手,在这张专辑中演奏一阙又一阙温婉动人的著名电影音乐。其中最著名的应该是由阿根廷探戈无冕之王Gardel创作的那首“Por Una Cabeza(只差一步)”,这是一首在《辛德勒名单》、《女人香》和《真实的谎言》中都出现过的著名探戈舞曲。这首Tango风格的曲子,曲式为ABAB,首段呈现慵懒以及幽默的口吻,进入到B段转小调,转而呈现激情的感觉,接着又转回大调。由小提琴和口琴作对位和声的表现。两个部分那种前后矛盾而又错落有致的风格充分的展现了探戈舞中两人配合的默契。进入B段后的激情将舞者与观众的情绪推到最高点。然后突然做减慢,回 到首调收尾。整首音乐在帕尔曼精湛的演奏下委婉、激荡,尽现了探戈舞曲的精制。


nothing's gonna stop us


looking in your eyes i see a paradise
this world that i've found is too good to be true
standing here beside you, want so much to give you
this love in my heart that i'm feeling for you

let 'em say we're crazy, i don't care about that
put your hand in my hand baby don't ever look back
let the world around us just fall apart
baby we can make it if we're heart to heart

and we can build this dream together
stand this storm forever
nothings gonna stop us now
and if this world runs out of lovers
we'll still have each other
nothings gonna stop us,
nothings gonna stop us now

i'm so glad i found you, i'm not gonna lose you
whatever it takes i will stay here with you
take it to the good times, see it through the bad times
whatever it takes here's what i'm gonna do

let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know
put your arms around me baby don't ever let go
let the world around us just fall apart
baby we can make it if we're heart to heart

and we can build this dream together
stand this storm forever
nothings gonna stop us now
and if this world runs out of lovers
we'll still have each other
nothings gonna stop us,
nothings gonna stop us now
oh, all that i need is you
all that i ever need
and all that i want to do
is hold you forever, and ever and ever

and we can build this dream together
stand this storm forever
nothings gonna stop us now
and if this world runs out of lovers
we'll still have each other
nothings gonna stop us,
nothings gonna stop us now
