must和have to的用法:指环王主题曲

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/05/07 08:28:17

The Fellowship Of The Rings
1. Storm Is Coming
2. Hope And Memory
3. Minas Tirith
4. The White Tree
5. The Steward of Gondor
6. Minas Morgul
7. The Ride Of The Rohirrim
8. Twilight and Shadow
9. Cirith Ungol
10. Anduril
11. Shelob's Lair
12. Ash And Smoke
13. The Fields of The Pelennor
14. Hope Fails
15. The Black Gate
16. Opens - Sir James Galway
17. The End of All Things - Renee Fleming
18. The Return of the King - Sir James Galway / Viggo Mortensen / Renee Fleming
19. The Grey Havens - Sir James Galway
20. Into the West - Annie Lennox

Enya的声音,很干净,不象席林迪翁的高昂,不象莎拉布莱曼的梦幻般甜美(我超喜欢她),但说到清澈与神秘,惟有Enya,她的"水迹",the celts,______

指环王1主题曲《May it be》,Enya唱的

第一部,May it be