
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/30 15:12:40
在西方,探问某人的宗教信仰和政治倾向是非礼的表现.而在中国,这方面的问题则不太忌讳.邓炎昌在<<语言与文化>>中列出了以下一些问题为美国社会的禁忌语:Are you a Republican or Democratic?Why did you vote for... ?Do you go to church? What is your religion?Are you Catholic?这主要是因为美国是一个由移居组成的国家,来自不同国家的人带来了不同的宗教信仰.忌讳这些问题是为了避免冲突.其次,美国人认为选择宗教信仰和政治党派是个人的自由,别人无权过问.因此美国人不会问一个中国人:Are you a Party member? 在中国,这样的问题似乎随时都会遇到,因为”党员”往往是与一个人的伦理道德和为人联系在一起的.西方历史上曾经政教合一.但中世纪以后,宗教开始脱离政治.政治与国家结合成为政府之事,宗教与市民生活结合用以规范人伦道德.而市民的生活则属于个人隐私,忌讳别人探问.中国基于其特殊的体制文化,很难把两者区分开来.可见,西方是政治与伦理相分离,伦理与宗教为一体.政治只是政府行为并于市民生活相对立而存在.中国则是政治,宗教,伦理三位一体,伦理是政治的伦理,政治与市民的生活密切相关.

In the west, inquires into somebody religious belief and the political orientation is the discourteous performance. but in China, this aspect question then not too abstained from. Deng Yanchang center has listed below some questions in < < language and culture > > for the American society's taboo language: Are you a Republican or Democratic?Why did you vote for... ? Do you go to church? What is your religion?Are you Catholic?This mainly is because US is by the country which migrates is composed, came from the different national person to bring the different religious belief. to abstain from these questions were for avoid conflicting. next, the American thought the choice religious belief and the political parties and groups were individual freedoms, others had no right to question. therefore the American could not ask a Chinese:Are you a Party member? In China, such question can meet as if as necessary, because "the party member" often is with person's ethics morals with the manner relates in together. western history once theocracy. but after middle ages, the religion starts to be separated from the political. politics and the country unifies into matter of the government, the religion and the city livelihood of the people slipknot comes in handy by the standard human relations morals. but resident's life then belongs to individual privacy, abstained from others inquire into. China based on its special system culture, very difficultly two discriminations. obviously, the west is politics and ethics separates, Ethics and the religion are a body. politics only is the government behavior and lives in the resident opposes but has. China then is politics, the religion, ethics Trinity, ethics is political ethics, political and resident's life close correlation.

Are you a Republican or Democratic?Why did you vote for... ?Do you go to church? What is your religion?Are you Catholic?是翻译这些吗?


erm..what are we supposed to answer?