
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/29 06:23:58
1. I read English for a hour and a half every morning.
2. Carl and Charlie likes watching football games.
3. There is going to have a party next month.
4. Mike's parents are all doctors.
5. What are you going to do in Sunday evening?

1.I read English for a hour and a half every morning.
2.Carl and Charlie likes watching football games.
3. There is going to have a party next month.
There is就表示存在的意思,跟后面的have重复,应把have变为hold。
4. Mike's parents are all doctors.
all变为both .因为父母是两个人而all修饰三者以上.
5.What are you going to do in Sunday evening?

1. I read English for an hour and a half every morning .
hour 的第一个字母为元音音素,故用an.
2.Carl and Charlie like watching football games.
Carl and Charlie 为复数,故用like.
3.There is going to be a party next month.
There is going to be 为固定用法,表示“有什么”不能用have .
4. Mike's parents both are doctors.
“两者都……”应该用“both are”
5. What are you going to do on Sunday evening?

I read English for an hour and a half every morning 小时前面用an
Carl and Charlie likes watching football game.足球是一种运动方式,用单数
What are you going to do on Sunday evening?日期前面用on
Mike's parents are all doctor. 医生作为职业出现的,用单数
There is going to have a party next month. There is就表示存在的意思,跟下面的have重复了。把there改成it就可以了。