
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/29 12:05:33
惧怕否定量表Fear of Negative Evaluation social
社交焦虑量表Interaction Anxiousness social

Goal: Studies the university student to fear the denial appraisal and the public relations anxious between correlation, the method: Carries on to 143 university students fears denies the meter and the public relations anxious meter test. Finally: In the whole fears the denial and the public relations anxious has the remarkable correlation, in fears the denial and on a public relations anxious quantity meter the female student remarkably is higher than the male student. The different grade student in fears denies on the meter to score points the difference to be remarkable, but is not remarkable on the public relations anxious meter difference. Conclusion: Fears the denial is a public relations anxious important influence factor, female student's anxious level is higher than the male student in the university student, but is not remarkable between the grade.

Purpose:Study a that the university student fears a negative evaluation and social intercourse worry anxiously of related, method:Carry on the test that fears the negative quantity watch and social intercourse worry anxiously quantity form to 143 university students.Result:Whole fear the negation and the social intercourse worry anxiously to have already shown 著 up of related, in fearing negation to measure the amount of watch and the social intercourse worry anxiously the girl all all shows 著 high in boy.The student of different grade in fearing negative quantity watch of get a goal difference to show 著 , but do not show 著 in the difference of the social intercourse worry anxiously quantity watch.Conclusion:Fear the negation is an importance influence factor of the social intercourse worry anxiously, the girl's anxious level is high in the boy, but doesn't show 著 between the grade in the university student.