
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/05/09 09:21:07
Walking to church on her last Sunday morning with us, my aunt said, “I have a surprise for everyone.” My wife looked at her wide-eyed. The church was filled to capacity, both old and new members. The minister sat quietly by the pulpit, admiring his growing congregation. Mabel Shaw rose from the organ and took a seat. Aunt Hattie had warned us that she wanted to make a speech before taking her leave. She walked to the front and faced the congregation. “You have a beautiful church here,” she said, “and the members are just as beautiful. I will always remember each and every one of you. Now I would like to play ‘In the Garden,’ a hymn I love because it makes Jesus seem so close to us.”



又是刚才那个Aunt Hattie。

上周日Hattie姨妈和我们一起去了教堂做礼拜,她说“我有一个惊喜给大家哟。”妻子则看着她那睁大了的眼睛。我们的教堂总是满座,有新的成员也有很多老面孔。领事(神甫)在他的讲坛前安静地坐下,凝视着他人数不断增长的礼拜会堂。Mabel Shaw来到管风琴前坐下。这时Hattie告诉我们Mabel会为她即将的离去发表一段讲话。她来到教堂的前面面对着大家。“你们有一个很漂亮的教堂呢,”她说,“当然了这里的人就和这教堂一样美丽。我会一直记得你们的每一个人。好吧,现在我将为你们演奏‘花园中’,我喜欢这首圣歌因为它让我们和耶酥的距离更近些。”


in the garden,英国的closing sunday service必弹的一首圣歌。我也很喜欢,琅琅上口。