
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/30 19:42:02
When using an artifact like a computer it is not necessary to know how and by whom it was invented, developed and introduced in the market. Neither is it always necessary in socio-economic research to know how specific analytical tools were shaped. But from time to time it may be useful to reflect on how a concept such as ‘national innovation systems’ came about and to see in what direction it tends to be developed. This is especially the case when the concept cannot be applied smoothly and when attempts are made to develop it further. But even when the purpose is just to apply the concept of national innovation systems in a routine-like manner, some degree of understanding of its background and development may be quite useful. The reason is not least that the concept of national systems of innovation—as its name clearly indicates—combines ideas taken from rather distinct areas of analysis: economic policy, economic interdependence, and more or less radical economic change. The new combination of such elements into the national system of innovation concept is, of course, much more shaky than the integration of the elements of a technological innovation like the modern computer. This fact has to be recognized by users of the concept of national systems of innovation.

当使用人工制品象计算机时知道怎么是不必要的,并且由谁它被发明了,开发和介绍在市场上。 都不是它总必要在社会经济的研究知道怎么具体分析工具形状。 但反射关于也许时常是有用的怎样一个概念例如`全国创新系统’在什么方向来了关于和看见它倾向于被开发。 这是特别是实际情形,当不可能顺利时地申请概念,并且,当企图被做进一步时开发它。 但,既使当目的是正义的申请全国创新系统的概念在a惯例象方式,某一程度对它的背景和发展的理解也许是相当有用的。 原因不是最少全国系统的概念创新和它的名字表明清楚地结合从相当分析分明区域接受的想法: 经济政策、经济相互依赖性和更或较不根本经济变动。 新的组合的这样元素到创新概念里全国系统比技术革新的元素的综合化是,当然,摇晃的much more象现代计算机。 这个事实必须由创新全国系统的概念的用户认可