
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/05/06 05:39:30

总投资额为285亿元人民币,是中国电子领域最大的外国投资商 2001年在中国的销售额为407亿元人民币 全国设立24家分公司,共有员工13,000多人 摩托罗拉公司是提供集成通信解决方案和嵌入式电子解决方案的全球领导者。它创立于1928年,最早生产整流器和车载收音机,在四、五十年代不断发展壮大。六十年代,摩托罗拉开始拓展海外市场,逐渐成为一个全球性公司。目前,摩托罗拉在全球共有11万名员工,业务范围涉及无线通信、半导体、汽车电子、宽带、网络和互联网接入产品等。摩托罗拉是移动电话、寻呼机、双向无线电和商用GSM和CDMA(码分多址)技术的带头人,2001年的全球销售额为300亿美元。公司现任董事长、首席执行官是克里斯托夫·高尔文。 摩托罗拉公司于1987年进入中国,首先在北京设立办事处,于1992年在天津注册成立摩托罗拉(中国)电子有限公司,生产寻呼机、手机、对讲机、无线通信设备、半导体、汽车电子等,产品销售到中国和世界市场。目前,摩托罗拉公司是中国电子领域最大的外商投资企业、美国在华最大的投资商和中国最成功的外商投资企业之一。 摩托罗拉在中国始终贯彻以“双赢”为精髓的发展战略,提出“以中国为家,扎根中国”的理念,得到了中国政府和人民的支持。经过十五年的发展,摩托罗拉在中国取得了巨大的成功,已经成为一个家喻户晓的著名品牌。 2001年,摩托罗拉公司继续在华取得了非凡的业绩,销售总额达到49亿美元,在无线通信系统方面获得了中国联通CDMA最大合同,同中国移动和中国联通等运营商签订了14.4亿美元的CDMA、GSM、GPRS网络建设和扩容合同。由于推出系列GSM、GPRS和CDMA手机,摩托罗拉公司在华已经连续三年保持了市场份额第一的位置。根据对外经贸部的统计,摩托罗拉中国公司以优异业绩取代九连冠的上海大众,荣登“在华外企500强之首”。


Motorola’s role as pioneer, innovator and visionary in mobile communications is well-known. Originally founded as the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation in 1928, Motorola has come a long way since introducing its first product, the battery eliminator. For more than 75 years, Motorola has proven itself a global leader in wireless, broadband and automotive communications technologies and embedded electronic products, and has become a company recognized for its dedication to ethical business practices and pioneering role in important innovations.

Motorola has kept moving at the pace people are living. Its products have grown and changed over the years, and its drive for excellence has strengthened and intensified. From the five pound Handie-Talkie™ radio to the lightweight models of today, Motorola has been the leading provider of two-way radio services to public safety, government, transportation, utility and manufacturing enterprises. Its digital cable set-top terminals and cable modems deliver the promise of a connected home just as the original home radios and televisions did in the 1930s and ‘40s. The leader in embedded processor production, Motorola has developed a broad array of microprocessors for a wide range of products, from some of the first video games to today’s advanced digital cameras. In personal communications, Motorola changed the way the world communicates, from the introduction of the DynaTAC cell phone in 1983 to today’s sleek handsets and innovative technology for mobile telephone service. It is also a key supplier of integrated systems for automobiles, portable electronic devices and industrial equipment.

Throughout its history, Motorola has transformed innovative ideas into products that connect people to each other and the world around them. Moving forward, the company strives to keep its commitment of making things better and life easier.

For an interactive look at Motorola's heritage past, present and future, visit the MOTOFUTURE experience.


