
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/29 07:01:45
二战结束后,怀乡情切的大批美军士兵踏上了旧金山港回到亲人的怀抱。然而保罗•萨顿却未能等到他的 妻子。直到夕阳西沉他才孤单落寞地向家里走去,但家 中却已发生了变化。妻子贝蒂一心想要发财,对远征归 来的丈夫漠不关心,十分冷淡。夫妻两人感情上出现了 裂痕。保罗无意留在毫无温情的家中,于是再次离家去 找工作。 在火车上,保罗结识了美丽的姑娘维多利亚•阿拉 贡。两人十分投缘。路途中保罗细心地照顾维多利亚。 在感激之余,维多利亚向保罗倾诉了自己不幸的遭遇: 她家经营着一个葡萄园,父亲的思想十分保守,现在是 一家人团聚的日子,但她却在怀孕后被男友抛弃。
她不 知道回去后该如何面对家人。保罗决定帮助维多利亚。 他想出了一个计策:他以夫妻的名义和维多利亚一起回 家,之后偷偷溜走,使维多利亚能够推卸责任。于是保 罗和维多利亚一同来到了那个景色怡人的葡萄园。 阿拉贡一家人对保罗的到来反应不一。维多利亚的 父亲对女儿的作法十分不满,对待保罗的态度也十分专 横;而维多利亚的母亲和祖母则对他以礼相待;维多利 亚的祖父——族长唐•彼得罗则十分喜欢保罗。到了晚 上,保罗和维多利亚在家人面前佯装亲热,但就寝时却 又同床不乱。 夜幕降临后,人们在葡萄园里点燃篝火,用浓热的烟雾来驱赶寒气, 以免葡萄被冻坏。 保罗和维多利亚 一起参与了劳动。
他深深地为葡萄园中的美丽景色所吸 引。同时,他与维多利亚之间也开始产生了爱情。 在唐•彼得罗的邀请下,本想悄然离去的保罗决定 等到采摘葡萄的收获仪式结束后再走。保罗与人们一起 劳动。这里的生活深深地吸引了他。在欢庆的气氛中, 保罗抱起了维多利亚,两人拥吻在一起。炽热的爱情之 火在他们心中燃烧。 晚宴上,维多利亚的父亲公布了保罗和维多利亚的 喜讯。
然而,保罗这才想起他还有妻子,他必须回到妻 子的身边。于是他不辞而别,回到了旧金山。但回到了 家后,他却发现妻子早已另有所爱。保罗如释重负地在 离婚证书上签了字,便又马不停蹄地赶回葡萄园,前往 维多利亚的身边。

After World War II ended,
  cherishes large quantities of United States military soldiers which the nostalgia cuts to step the San Francisco port to return to family member's bosom.
  However Paulo .Sutton has not been able to wait till him actually the wife.
  Sinks he until the setting sun west only then lonelily desolately to walk to the family in,
  but in the family has had the change ctually.
  Wife Betty wants to get rich wholeheartedly,
  returns the husband to the expedition to be indifferent,
  is extremely desolate.
  In the husbands and wives two human of sentiments appeared the fissure.
  Paulo has no intention to keep in not the softhearted family,
  thereupon leaves home to look for the work once more.
  On the train,
  Paulo has known the beautiful girl Victoria .Aragon.
  Two people hit it off well with one another extremely.
  In the journey Paulo carefully looks after Victoria.
  -odd in the gratitude time,
  Victoria poured out own unfortunate bitter experience to Paulo:
  Her family manages a vineyard,
  father's thought is being extremely conservative,
  now is the day which the whole family reunites,
  but she is abandoned actually after being regnant by the boyfriend.
  She did not know after how should face the family member.
  Paulo decided helps Victoria.
  He has found out a strategy:
  He goes home together by husbands' and wives' name and Victoria,
  afterwards sneaks off secretly, enables Victoria to shirk the responsibility.
  Thereupon Paulo and Victoria arrived together that scenery joy person's vineyard.
  Aragon whole families to Paulo's arrival mixed reaction.
  Victoria's father is discontented extremely to daughter's method,
  treats Paulo's manner extremely to be also despotic;
  But Victoria's mother and grandmother then treat with good manners to him;
  Victoria's grandfather --head of the clan Tang .Peter Luo Ze likes Paulo extremely.
  To the evening, Paulo and Victoria feigned intimately in front of the family member,
  when slept also was not actually chaotic with the bed.
  After the curtain of night arrives,
  the people light the bonfire in the vineyard,
  drives away the cold air with the thick hot smog,
  in order to avoid the grape ruins by freezing.
  Paulo and Victoria participated in the work together.
  He deeply deeply attracts for the vineyard in beautiful scenery.
  At the same time,
  he also started with Victoria between to have love.
  In under the Tang .Peter Luo's invitation,
  after Paulo which originally wants to depart quietly decides when to pick the grape the harvest
  ceremony to end walks again.
  Paulo and the people works together.
  Here life deeply deeply has attracted him.
  In joyfully celebrates in the atmosphere,
  Paulo held Victoria,
  two people hugged and kissed in the same place.
  Fire of the blazing love burns in their heart.
  At the evening banquet,
  Victoria's father announced Paulo and Victoria's good news.
  Paulo remembers him also to have the wife now at last,
  he must return to wife's side.
  Thereupon he left without saying good-bye,
  returned to San Francisco.
  But after got the home,
  he discovered actually the wife already in addition has a love.
  Paulo signed with a sense of relief in the divorce certificate,
  then nonstop hurries back the vineyard,
  goes to Victoria the side.

不对 应该是:

After World War II ended,
cherishes large quantities of United States military soldiers which the nostalgia cuts to step the San Francisco port to return to family member's bosom.
However Paulo .Sutton has not been able to wait till him actually the wife.
Sinks he until the setting sun west only then lonelily desolately to walk to the family in,
but in the family has had the change ctually.
Wife Betty wants to get rich wholeheartedly,
returns the husband to the expedition to be indifferent,
is extremely desolate.
In the husbands and wives two human of sentiments appeared the fissure.
Paulo has no intention to keep in not the softhearted family,
thereupon leaves home to look for the work once more.
On the train,
Paulo has known the beautiful girl Victoria .Aragon.
Two people hit it off well with one another extremely.
In the journey Paulo carefully looks after Victoria.
-odd in the gratitude time,
Victoria poured out own unfortunate bitter experience to Paulo:
Her family manages a vineyard,
father's thought is being extremely conservative,
now is the day which the whole family reunites,
but she is abandoned actually after being regnant by the boyfriend.
She did not know after how should face the family member.
Paulo decided helps Victoria.
He has found out a strategy:
He goes home together by husbands' and wives' name and Victoria,
afterwards sneaks off secretly, enables Victoria to shirk the responsibility.
Thereupon Paulo and Victoria arrived together that scenery joy person's vineyard.
Aragon whole families to Paulo's arrival mixed reaction.
Victoria's father is discontented extremely to daughter's method,
treats Paulo's manner extremely to be also despotic;
But Victoria's mother and grandmother then treat with good manners to him;
Victoria's grandfather --head of the clan Tang .Peter Luo Ze likes Paulo extremely.
To the evening, Paulo and Victoria feigned intimately in front of the family member,
when slept also was not actually chaotic with the bed.
After the curtain of night arrives,
the people light the bonfire in the vineyard,
drives away the cold air with the thick hot smog,
in order to avoid the grape ruins by freezing.
Paulo and Victoria participated in the work together.
He deeply deeply attracts for the vineyard in beautiful scenery.
At the same time,
he also started with Victoria between to have love.
In under the Tang .Peter Luo's invitation,
after Paulo which originally wants to depart quietly decides when to pick the grape the harvest
ceremony to end walks again.
Paulo and the people works together.
Here life deeply deeply has attracted him.
In joyfully celebrates in the atmosphere,
Paulo held Victoria,
two people hugged and kissed in the same place.
Fire of the blazing love burns in their heart.
At the evening banquet,
Victoria's father announced Paulo and Victoria's good news.
Paulo remembers him also to have the wife now at last,
he must return to wife's side.
Thereupon he left without saying good-bye,
returned to San Francisco.
But after got the home,
he discovered actually the wife already in addition has a love.
Paulo signed with a sense of relief in the divorce certificate,
then nonstop hurries back the vineyard,
goes to Victoria the side.