
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/04/28 17:21:37
Computer, machine that performs tasks, such as mathematical calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside within the computer and are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronics, and the program results are stored or routed to output devices, such as video display monitors or printers. Computers are used to perform a wide variety of activities with reliability, accuracy, and speed.

计算机,运行像数学的计算或电子的沟通这样的工作机器,在一系列指导的控制之下呼叫了一个计画。 计画通常在计算机里面住并且被计算机的电子学取回而且处理,而且计画结果被储存或溃败到输出装置, 像是电视的展览监视器或打印机。 计算机用来用可信度,准确性和速度运行各式各样的活动。